Quality Management

Jac van den Oord Potatoes works systematically and purposefully to improve quality. By quality we mean, in addition to product quality, also the quality of business processes. Being structurally involved in quality management has a number of positive effects:

– Managing, improving and making the business process more efficient
– Increase the manageability of the organization
– Reduce error costs
– Reducing complaints
– Reducing waste / scrap
– Distinguish themselves in the market
– Being able to meet the requirements of the clients
– Improve the company image
– Guarantee the application of prescribed guidelines and legislation

Quality awareness in our organization contributes in many ways to the continuous improvement of the performance of our company. All parts of the organization must experience quality assurance. Quality assurance also contributes to more motivated staff. Moreover, our company distinguishes itself through quality assurance from non-certified fellow companies.

IFS Food

Jac van den Oord Potatoes is IFS Food gecertificeerd

The International Food Standard, often referred to IFS or IFS Food for short, is a standard in the field of food safety that was drawn up by the German trade association of distributors of foodstuffs. The standard is also referred to as International Featured Standard – Food (source: Wikipedia). These guidelines impose requirements on the food safety system of Jac van den Oord Potatoes and require that all the aspects occurring therein are under control. Part of this standard is, for example, the HACCP plan.  Also management responsibility, production and process facilities, training and personal hygiene of employees are tested.

Download our IFS Food 6.1 certificaat here.


On the way to PlanetProof

Jac van den Oord Potatoes is On the way to PlanetProof gecertificeerdJac van den Oord Potatoes has proudly been certified On the way to PlanetProof (formerly known as Milieukeur) for many years and a significant portion of the potatoes are traded under this certification. For example, under the Natubalans brand you will find a wide range of packaging, various products that we can supply under On the way to PlanetProof certification. At On the way to PlanetProof, it can be demonstrated that the cultivation method is less harmful to the environment than conventional cultivation. In short, you buy a product that has been grown with care and as responsibly as possible. With On the way to PlanetProof, if required to prevent damage to the crop, action may be taken with a limited number of pesticides. The range of products is therefore less broad than with conventional cultivation: only products with a minimal impact on the environment may be used. The use of fertilizers is also permitted to a lesser extent. In short, the product has been grown as environmentally friendly as possible!

Milieukeur / PlanetProof compared to conventional and organic products

Would you like to know the difference between On the way to PlanetProof, conventional cultivation and Organic products? SMK, in collaboration with Bionext, has drawn up an overview in which various themes are compared. You can download the overview here: Factsheet Common – PlanetProof – Organic

Download our On the way to PlanetProof Certificate here.


GMP+Jac van den Oord Potatoes is GMP+ gecertificeerd

Our residual flows are brought to value. The potatoes that do not meet the qualitative requirements are picked from the batch and sold as animal feed. This flow is also traded in a controlled manner and is regularly audited on the basis of the GMP + protocol, for which Jac van den Oord Potatoes is certified.

Download our GMP + Certificate* here.

* The certificate for the ‘NAO Hygiene Code for unpeeled (sweet) potatoes’ is equal to the GMP + certificate. For more information, visit the GMP+ website.